
Rehearsing in the Institute

Rehearsing in  the Institute

Chior celebrating in the Buck Inn

Choir after-show party

Joining Buckden Singers

Buckden Singers is a community choir. We welcome anyone who wants to sing, and there are no auditions.

It is helpful if you can read music, but it is not essential, and many members of the choir don't. Obviously it does help if you can sing in tune - either that, or you can mime convincingly!

The annual membership fee is £30. All fees go to towards the cost of the music we use.

We rehearse on Thursday evenings during school term-time. Being a member of a choir is a commitment, and regular attendance is essential in order to make progress and reach the standard required for our concerts.

If you would like to apply for membership, please click here to complete an online application form. We will be in touch on receipt of your form.